So . . . How Ya Been?


This is just a general update on what’s been going on with me so I can keep everyone in the loop. Everybody knows that the world is falling apart around us, so instead of crying, let’s laugh a bit with a photomanip I posted a couple of years ago. Not my best work, but the message is profound–and kinda funny. It is, right? Right? RIGHT?

Where Are We Going? And What’s With this Handbasket?

M’kay. Now that that’s out of the way, how has everybody been? Schardein’s House O’ Madness went through about eight weeks of utter hell, but things have calmed down a bit. There’s still a lot going on, but they’re potentially very good things, and at least we aren’t running around like chickens with our heads cut off at the moment. Here are some of the other good things I’m doing.

Vampire: the Masquerade

A friend and I are putting together a new VtM V.20 campaign out on Discord. We’re a ways off from getting it running, but if any VtM fans or other roleplayers are interested in taking a look, let me know and I’ll notify you when it’s finally up. Or, if you’re just interested in hearing our concept, I’ll be glad to share that, too. I think it’s a bit unusual, and people will probably either love it or hate it. As long as they don’t say it’s boring, I’ll be happy.

The new campaign will affect my “Something Went Wrong, Apparently,” fanfic so I’m taking it down. Hopefully I’ll be able to post some short stories or fanfic from our new campaign.

Remember Selene?

My Selene Stormblade fanfiction was a huge labor of love for me, and it was so hard to let it go. But I stopped playing Skyrim and began playing ESO, which is set about 900 years beforehand, so I had to move on. Unfortunately, the half a dozen ESO fanfictions I started didn’t go anywhere, and I’ve taken them down.

But. I’ve found a way to bring Selene into the ESO story (and hopefully Brynjolf at some point). It’s nowhere near canon, so if you’re an Elder Scrolls lore junkie, don’t say you weren’t warned. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but be kind and don’t tell me it’s not lore-friendly because you’ll already know that.

I’ve just started the story, and I’m going to get a few chapters under my belt before I post anything, mostly so I don’t have people faving it a year from now and waiting for new chapters that will never come. I haven’t even finished Chapter One yet, but it feels like coming home.

Speaking of coming home:

Lito’s Children

Hubby and I are still working on Book Two. It’ll be finished and published someday. I just know it.

SHAMELESS PLUG: In the meantime, if you haven’t read Book One, The Order of the White Guard, do check it out. It’s nearly ten years old now, but we’re still hawking it. Here is a preview, and here is the link to the page on Amazon. For Kindle Unlimited users, it’s a free download. This is a second edition. We lowered the price and made a minor change, so if you’ve already read it and want to know what we changed, just let me know. If you order, PLEASE order direction from Amazon, not from the used and new links. Those assholes never even bought the book. And leave a review! And tell your friends!

Sloth – Couldn’t Reach the Remote


Couldn't Reach the Remote

My entry for the Seven Deadly Sins contest on DeviantArt. Wish me luck. I worked hard on this, unlike Fred here.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock.
Fireplace, grate, TV, TV stand, glass, remote, tile floor, and carpet all taken by me
Skeleton by markopolio-stock on DeviantArt – https: // markopolio-stock/art/Skeleton-Dead-JPG-40671944
Chair by Jack-Off-Jill;666 on DeviantArt – http: //
End Table by ED-resources on DeviantArt – http: //
Test Pattern by AliasPercival on DeviantArt – http: //
Cobweb brushes by tigers-stock on DeviantArt – http: //
Cobweb brushes by poisondropstock on DeviantArt – http: //
Cobweb brushes by fire-fuel on DeviantArt – http: //
Rats purchased from Shutterstock
Skull Wallpaper purchased from Shutterstock
Spilled Whiskey purchased from Shutterstock

Featured Artist – Ellysiumn

Ellysiumn is a friend on Deviant Art (Ellysiumn). He’s an amazing photomanipulator, specializing in wallpapers. They’re fantastical with lots of color and contrast, and the pieces speak to me in a way few other artists’ works do. Here are a few of my favorite pieces of his work, but be sure to check out his whole gallery.

Stars Lullaby

Stars Lullaby by Ellysiumn

Red Moon

Red moon by Ellysiumn

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This is an entry I did for a contest on DeviantArt. It’s a photomanipulation with stock images, so here are the credits:

Willow, lawn, and other trees by me.
Owl by http://www.deviantart/photosbykev
Fence by http://www.deviantart/tinalouiseuk
Rainbow by http://www.deviantart/wyldravenRespite - Nature Wallpaper Contest 2018