Whisper Tarot 1 – The Magician


If there’s one thing the Magician has, it’s power. But they have more than one thing. All four suits are placed on the table, and the infinity symbol rests just above his head. The suits represent spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional resources the seeker requires to manifest their dream. If The Magician appears in your reading, you have everything you need to fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals. The possibilities are endless.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock:
Wand by :devcgartiste: on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/cgartiste/art/Staff-of-the-Arcane-407405336
Sword and cup by me
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Three of Wands


Dream big! The Three of Wands represents success, whether it’s a project you’ve finished, a work in progress, or a future endeavor. It encourages you to pursue your vision–you’ve got this. Notice the gentleman is looking out over a city, perhaps his empire. He has a distant view, all the way to the river and beyond, and he can see the opportunities ahead of him.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock:
Jade by Jade Macalla on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/jademacalla/art/sc-4-18897315
Wands by frozenstocks on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-2-169057505
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 15 – The Devil


The Devil usually depicts a man and woman (often The Lovers) chained to a podium where The Devil sits. The card represents attachment, addiction, possibly the seeker’s dark side and the negative forces that constrain them. Not always a negative card, it can represent a bond between two people, sexuality, or even the seeker’s wild side. Be careful, though. Keep those attachments and encounters healthy, and don’t let them become co-dependent or dangerous.

Podium by Whisper292
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 6 – The Lovers


Happy Valentines Day.

The Lovers card implies sexual attraction, beauty, love, and romance. It can represent the drawing together of opposites.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Candles by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash
Champagne Glasses by Niels Baars on Unsplash
All other elements purchased from Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot–Two of Cups


The Two of Cups represents relationships, partnerships, and deep connections. The card often depicts a romantic couple, but the partnership doesn’t have to be romantic love, as shown by the two children on the card. This could be a business partnership, a close friendship, or any relationship based on mutual respect, unconditional love, and shared interests.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Water by simplybackgrounds – https://www.deviantart.com/simplybackgrounds/art/Water-Texture-49283686
Rocks by presterjohnstock – https://www.deviantart.com/presterjohnstock/art/Precut-Stones-324617908
Grass by beautelle-stock – https://www.deviantart.com/beautelle-stock/art/Grass-63296452
Wizard’s Circle by frozenstocks – https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Wizard-s-Circle-305872840
Cups by me
Children and template elements courtesy of Shutterstock.