Whisper Tarot 1 – The Magician


If there’s one thing the Magician has, it’s power. But they have more than one thing. All four suits are placed on the table, and the infinity symbol rests just above his head. The suits represent spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional resources the seeker requires to manifest their dream. If The Magician appears in your reading, you have everything you need to fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals. The possibilities are endless.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock:
Wand by :devcgartiste: on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/cgartiste/art/Staff-of-the-Arcane-407405336
Sword and cup by me
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Eight of Wands



The Eight of Wands represents movement. Things are about to get busy, and it’s an exciting time. The card portends fast-paced change or could even indicate air travel. The seeker is free to take action and move forward with plans that they may have been hesitating on.

Wands in template and flying wands: Frozenstocks on DeviantArt —  https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-1-169057383
Remainder of Template, planes, and sky courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 3 – The Empress


The Empress card urges us to connect with our feminine side (even the menfolk). As you can see, the Empress is pregnant, and the stork is flying in. It’s a card of fertility, but also one of creation. She urges you to connect with Mother Nature and create beauty in your life. This could be through art, through kindness, or through other types of positive change. 

Model courtesy of Unsplash. All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

The Skyrim Tarot Saga Begins Anew


Several years ago (like ten, okay?) I finished and posted The Skyrim Tarot. At the same time, I contacted Bethesda Softworks to try to get permission to publish it. I was told only employees of Bethesda could submit artwork.

Fast forward to today. I was on Amazon, and guess what I found. Go ahead. Guess.

The thing is, THAT Skyrim Tarot didn’t have anything on it that indicated it was approved by Bethesda. It was just inspired by Skyrim.

I did what any self-respecting person would do. I went the petty direction and wrote a letter to Bethesda.

I doubt it will go anywhere, but keep your fingers crossed. I’ll keep you posted.

Oh, yeah. And mine’s better.