Whisper Tarot – Eight of Wands



The Eight of Wands represents movement. Things are about to get busy, and it’s an exciting time. The card portends fast-paced change or could even indicate air travel. The seeker is free to take action and move forward with plans that they may have been hesitating on.

Wands in template and flying wands: Frozenstocks on DeviantArt —  https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-1-169057383
Remainder of Template, planes, and sky courtesy of Shutterstock

Skyrim Tarot – Eight of Staves

Staves - 8The Eight of Staves suggests swift progress toward a goal, new opportunities, a quick, unexpected trip, or maybe love. Things may be chaotic, but jump in, maintain your focus, and trust your instincts.

Border, Skyrim logo, and artwork are screenshots, ©2011 Bethesda Softworks LLC
Scroll by Hatestock on deviantART – http://hatestock.deviantart.com/art/Scrolls-172516055