Whisper Tarot 15 – The Devil


The Devil usually depicts a man and woman (often The Lovers) chained to a podium where The Devil sits. The card represents attachment, addiction, possibly the seeker’s dark side and the negative forces that constrain them. Not always a negative card, it can represent a bond between two people, sexuality, or even the seeker’s wild side. Be careful, though. Keep those attachments and encounters healthy, and don’t let them become co-dependent or dangerous.

Podium by Whisper292
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 6 – The Lovers

6 - The Lovers

The Lovers card implies sexual attraction, beauty, love, and romance. It can represent the drawing together of opposites.

Thanks to the following artists (all on DeviantArt) for use of their stock:
Taylor and Carrie Anne is a composite of these two photos by linzstock – https://www. deviantart.com/linzstock/art/Studio-Shoot-21-131280430, https://www. deviantart.com/linzstock/art/Studio-Shoot-20-131280343
Satin texture in Carrie Anne’s dress by smevstock –  https://www. deviantart.com/smevstock/art/satin-92829553
Lace texture in Carrie Anne’s dress by surfing-ant https://www. deviantart.com/surfing-ant/art/Textures-Blue-Lace-38324094
Angel by kirilee – https://www. deviantart.com/kirilee/art/Angel-10-510147672
Sky by cattycass – https://www. deviantart.com/cattycass/art/blue-sky-82764087
Wreath by zememz –  https://www. deviantart.com/zememz/art/Wreath-FREE-Content-756857875
Flowers on wreath by me