Whisper Tarot – Three of Wands


Dream big! The Three of Wands represents success, whether it’s a project you’ve finished, a work in progress, or a future endeavor. It encourages you to pursue your vision–you’ve got this. Notice the gentleman is looking out over a city, perhaps his empire. He has a distant view, all the way to the river and beyond, and he can see the opportunities ahead of him.

Thanks to the following artists for the use of their stock:
Jade by Jade Macalla on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/jademacalla/art/sc-4-18897315
Wands by frozenstocks on Deviant Art – https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-2-169057505
All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock