A New Pile of Stuff with a Cover


Schardein’s House O’ Madness has relocated. I may have mentioned in another post that my Mother-in-Law had passed. She had a very nice home, and hubby inherited a fourth of it. The other siblings agreed, and we bought out their portions and are moving in. YAAAAAAYY! Our other house was really crappy.

The problem with this house is that we have more stuff than house, which is bizarre, because it’s actually bigger. When we bought the other one, we combined three full houses worth of stuff, and my mom and our three kids lived there with us. The house was big, but we still had enough stuff that we needed a storage unit. I loved to put on my bios that we lived in a big, loud, crowded, messy, happy house. But the munchkins all grew up and moved away, Mama passed on, and they all left their stuff! Basically, the crowd left. So we still had all that stuff, plus fifteen years worth of new stuff.

Enter George Carlin. https://youtu.be/MvgN5gCuLac

The first thing we did was rent a dumpster for a week. We filled it up pretty quickly and rented another dumpster for the next week. It still wasn’t enough, so we resolved to rent one a week before we moved. And guess what: that’s right. It still wasn’t enough. But we had to be out of the house on a specific day, so we had to bring our junk–and a crap ton of donatables–with us.

And it gets better. All of my mother-in-law’s stuff is here, too! Almost nothing has been cleared out, so we’re having to go through her stuff and decide what to get rid of. I’m not just talking furniture here. I’m talking clothes, kitchen ware, cleaning supplies. Toiletries. Medicines. I found a bottle of liniment that I’m pretty sure is older than I am!

So. At the moment, our house is just as George says–it’s a pile of stuff with a cover on it. Every room looks like the warehouse from the last scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Ark of the Covenant in there somewhere.

Dumpster No. 4 is coming tomorrow, and we’re going to rent a U-Haul to take our donatables to the Goodwill (yes, we have that many). Maybe then we can find the stuff that matters. Like my socks. We have all our other clothes, but my socks have completely disappeared. Maybe they’re in the Hozone Layer.

I hope we find them soon. I’ve been wearing the hubby’s socks for days.

All that said, the house is absolutely gorgeous, and we love it. We’re whittling away at the stuff bit by bit, and we’re planning to have a gigantic yard sale. Hopefully soon, it will be clean and pretty and I can start playing ESO and writing again. Till then, say nice things about me, will ya?