Whisper Tarot–Two of Cups


The Two of Cups represents relationships, partnerships, and deep connections. The card often depicts a romantic couple, but the partnership doesn’t have to be romantic love, as shown by the two children on the card. This could be a business partnership, a close friendship, or any relationship based on mutual respect, unconditional love, and shared interests.

Thanks to the following artists for use of their stock:
Water by simplybackgrounds – https://www.deviantart.com/simplybackgrounds/art/Water-Texture-49283686
Rocks by presterjohnstock – https://www.deviantart.com/presterjohnstock/art/Precut-Stones-324617908
Grass by beautelle-stock – https://www.deviantart.com/beautelle-stock/art/Grass-63296452
Wizard’s Circle by frozenstocks – https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Wizard-s-Circle-305872840
Cups by me
Children and template elements courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot 16 – The Tower


Not all change is good, but if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stranger stronger. The Tower represents major chaos and upheaval. This could be any traumatic event, from a death in the family to health issues, even a natural disaster. Perhaps in a moment of clarity (represented by the lightning bolt), you realize you have been lying to yourself about something, and now it is time to face the consequences. But the best way out is through. Just let it happen, hopefully take comfort and encouragement from the cards surrounding The Tower, and move on, stronger and wiser.

Thanks to :iconzsoltkosa: for the flame and smoke brushes.
All other elements are courtesy of Shutterstock and Unsplash.

Whisper Tarot 11 – Justice


Justice means exactly what one might think. It represents truth, fairness, the law, and justice itself. A judgment may be at hand, but this card predicts that it will be fair and impartial, whether the seeker wants justice or is facing it. Keep in mind, we’re all responsible for our own actions and will be held accountable.

Thanks to Alexandra Mueller for the image of the sky.
All other stock images courtesy of Shutterstock.

Whisper Tarot – Eight of Wands



The Eight of Wands represents movement. Things are about to get busy, and it’s an exciting time. The card portends fast-paced change or could even indicate air travel. The seeker is free to take action and move forward with plans that they may have been hesitating on.

Wands in template and flying wands: Frozenstocks on DeviantArt —  https://www.deviantart.com/frozenstocks/art/UNRESTRICTED-Staves-Collection-1-169057383
Remainder of Template, planes, and sky courtesy of Shutterstock

Whisper Tarot 3 – The Empress


The Empress card urges us to connect with our feminine side (even the menfolk). As you can see, the Empress is pregnant, and the stork is flying in. It’s a card of fertility, but also one of creation. She urges you to connect with Mother Nature and create beauty in your life. This could be through art, through kindness, or through other types of positive change. 

Model courtesy of Unsplash. All other elements courtesy of Shutterstock.