Goodbye, Sugar


We lost Sugar a few months ago. She had incurable cancer, and treating her, even just keeping her comfortable, was going to cost thousands of dollars, so we had to let her go. But she had lived a good, long life, most of which was with us. She was fifteen years old, and we had adopted her from friends when she was two.

I held her till the end, and then I cried my eyes out. But I’m a big believer in the Rainbow Bridge, and I know she’ll be waiting there for me.

Goodbye, Gambit

We said goodbye to Gambit last night. After a rough afternoon and a trip to the veterinary ER, we sent him across the Rainbow Bridge and set him free. He was our “old man” dog, just about 17 years old.

Gambit used to sing along with the Jeopardy theme. He would howl like crazy, then look back at my  mom, who would tell him it sounded beautiful, then start howling again. He hasn’t done that in a while because of throat problems, but now he can sing all the time if he wants.

My heart is broken, but he’s no longer suffering. He was a good boy right up till the end.