Whisper Tarot — Ace of Coins


A WORD ABOUT PENTACLES VERSUS COINS: In my mind, as far as the tarot is concerned, they’re the same thing. I have chosen to name the suit Coins in the Whisper Tarot because, in addition to pentacles themselves, I will be using different types of coins, partly because I appreciate the artwork I’ve found and partly to correspond with my own faith, which is strong, but it’s all over the place. You have no idea.

The suit of Coins represents the Earth element, the North (correct me if I’m wrong), and the color Green. The Ace of Coins signifies new beginnings, so if this card appears in a reading, it could mean a financial or career opportunity–or even a new relationship. It signifies wealth, but remember, there are different kinds of wealth.

Thanks to the following Deviant Art stock artists:
Japanese Garden by :devtwo-ladies-stocks: https://www.deviantart.com/two-ladies-stocks/art/japanese-garden-III-66316090Gong by :devangelkast: https://www.deviantart.com/angelkast/art/gong-stock-154360925

Torii: Thanks to Unsplash stock artist Michael Bühler: https://unsplash.com/photos/gJrnJorVW4k

Template and coin courtesy of Shutterstock
Sky is my own photography.

Comments and critiques always welcome.