“Mom? What’s that Other Dane Doing?”


Gambit, when he was alive, would “sing” along with the Jeopardy! theme. The music would start, and he would howl like you wouldn’t believe, stopping occasionally to look back at my mom, who would tell him how lovely it sounded. Then he would start again. Up to now, that was the most original thing a pet I’d had ever did. Until Harley.

I know people have talked about pets watching TV, but I’d never actually seen it. But here she is. I cast my computer monitor to the TV, and she will watch me if I’m playing ESO or something with a lot of movement. Or she’ll just sit next to hubby and me when we’re watching a show. That’s an adventure in and of itself, because our couch isn’t very big.

This is what happened the other day when we were watching a YouTube video of funny Great Danes. Mr. Bill was unimpressed.